Sunday, March 11, 2012

Preaching at universities

Here are a few pictures and a video of brothers out preaching in Missouri (MSU Springfield) and Arkansas (U of AR Fayetteville).

University of Arkansas, Fayetteville: Brothers Steve Mitchell and David Keeling

Brothers Brian Gray and Steve Mitchell interviewed at the university in Fayetteville:

Tolerance... or intolerance? from Clayton Clark on Vimeo.

Brother Wilbur Graybill at MSU Springfield:


  1. I have seen you around town here (Springfield)and wondered what group this was. Now I know. :)
    I agree with all your signs, by the way, except perhaps the first. It is a sin, but not one above the forgiveness of my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Keep on my brothers and sisters in Monett. :)

  2. Hello - I'm not sure which sign you are referring to?

    I didn't even know there was a comment on here! Thanks for stopping by!


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